Wednesday, March 5, 2014


People see you Grass, I value LIGHT of Life. Credit to J.R Media

Life seems sometimes so awesome, and special. But, actually it is very simple. Just born, grow and die.
The difference is you yourself are the author of your life. You may pain in the different color from the others. You may value differently from somebody else.
What important in your life, by the way? Might be a lot?  
Hey! One of those, we might have one similar or exactly the same as I value the most is a stranger.
Yes, a stranger. Not every single of stranger, just the only stranger.

Once day an unknown stranger come into my life to become a friend of mine. Days by days, the relationship grows fruitfully without any supports from water or fertilizers or even sunshine. Sound weird with the relationship of a dog and a cat who are always teasing and fighting each other for food to have love.
Time passed, that stranger’s started more and more powerful to me. I don’t think I can lose this person peacefully. The concern is that why, how and when this person start to colonize my life silently?
I was asked myself “That was just the stranger? The stranger who come without any invitation and availably to leave with no any agreements”. This happens to remind me again and again for times when we were in conflicts. The pain comes, the tears drop, but it seems like I can’t find the precise answer on it.

From what I have figured out that stranger is safe enough to leave before or now but there is no wait for the next second since I feel I would be “a live dead body”. I am really used to having that stranger around. 
Another seriously true but funny joke "You are my dream, hope and future HAPPINESS".
Nisai 11:27 am
6th Mar 2014

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