Monday, August 26, 2013

Death heaven

My Sand Palace 
PHNOM PENH: What people scary the most? Dying? Possible because there is no going back and forth. 

Unlike, I believe no one could stay still forever. I experience of losing my beloved aunts who loved and cared me the most. Thus, I of course have thought that I might die in any second. Life, to me, is so short.

Sand star, a memory with you

This idea was believed as a very bad expectation ever for those who are the religious followers. Still, I don’t mind. I believe that is very obvious. I always tell people and myself that I do my best for everything, save every minute. Therefore, I set a policy for myself. “I do what I say, I say what I saw and thought.” Honestly, I was uncounted fail this rule. But, I didn’t give up. I just felt I am just on the way. It might be just a starting or on the half way to reach the success

Beauty of Khmer sea
Anyway, I just wish to be somewhere I like after I died. Wave, sand, also rock are my favourite things. I love eating seafood. Then, sea is my death heaven. I don’t mind for burning just a death body. I just ask to leave those bones into the sea.

My favorite sea food

To me, waves are the hope. They never stop, keep moving and never tired of starting again and again. During this life, I have committed million things in life. Sometimes, I actually and honestly help people, at the same time, I might hurt the others unintentionally.

I am not perfect. I am just a person. I need peace. I love smile. I just hope and wish to see people living happily as they wish too. I don’t need anyone to remember me, though I have never forgotten them. 

Sea, sand and beach
Please, do the thing with respective, ethical and responsible. 
Value your current time. Do what making you to be happy but make sure you are not hurting someone else.

Warmest, Nisai!

Waves = Hope

How amazing my life is …

PHNOM PENH:Every Khmer citizen shall be equal before the law, enjoying the same rights … social status, wealth or other status.” According to (the constitution of the Kingdom of Cambodia, 1993). However, in the reality, the practical seems different. Some people especially the elder still value to the man. They are more likely encourage the man to get further education, take decision, and be a leader, etc.

One of the housework.
The most painfully is that lady still asks to adopt to the housework. If you were born as a Cambodian girl, then you are expected to be able to do housework besides study and outside work. And if you cannot commit these things well. You might be blamed as a poor management girl or the lazy one.

You might find it amazing or unbelievable but it is obvious.

Unlike, I could say I was born dissimilar from others. Not that completely different but I can swear it is different. Also, I was told that I am a lucky person among other girls.
First and foremost, I have a very kind mother who always keeps encourage to focus only on study. Even she had a low education and has limited ability to work but she have a very beautiful heart inside.

This is my parents.
Try your best to learn, after you know everything. You can hire a housemate for doing non-stop housework for you.” My mom said to me when I was young.
She also added that “See! I was not value. I have no enough right to take decision.” These words have reminded me since then.

The last and the most importantly, my hands have disease that it always get wet (seems like sweat) and during the windy time (autumn), both hands and feet change the skins. And sometimes it hurts me on the bottom of each finger with the red points.

I, then was sent to dermatology clinic, doctor advices my parents that my skin principally hands are very sensitive with the chemical mainly detergent.

My hand after washing the clothes.
injured by Soft-drink cover
I was not allowed to wash the dishes, clothes or clean the house. Also, my skin is very soft and thin. I am easy to get injure and hardly get cure. Doctor confirmed my dad.
Wow! Awesome! How amazing my life is! Since then, I am free out of those housework while I have two older brothers and they are more likely in charge of cooking, cleaning and stuff.

Hence, up to now, aged 24, I could say that I can do all the housework as the other but I rarely do it and I can’t do it good as the others. Honestly, sometimes I get sad. I blame myself that I should be done it but I can’t. anyway, it is just sometimes and most of the time, I am really enjoy with what I can’t achieve as this human being does not prefer the perfect in everything.

Love you mom! Your encouragement pushes me all these achievements today. Thanks for everything. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Value only needed

Phnom Penh: In case I was asked “what is the most important in my life?” Then, I would quickly response that “It is Life. Without life, there is nothing.”

Of course, it is nature that people need breathe to survive. And it is very logical that people are selfish. That would be impossible for those who tend to hurt themselves for the others. There is someone I would say. But I would still oppose that those volunteers may have their hidden agenda settings behind the scene.
It is hurt but I am more happy.

For example, a mother devote her life for the kid. Then, the question is “Does the mother still selfish?” I would definitely claim that “Yes! She is still selfish. Because she values her kid equally her life. So, she devote life for her kid mean that she devote for her life again. It is just a circle.

But how about sharing for the unknown person? Would you donate your blood for the stranger? If you disagree with me that people are not that selfish. This is not asking for your breathe but just a blood that needed to save patients; but then again, how many people would donate?
This is my blood. I am in group B+

In Cambodia, there are about 14.5 Millions according to World Health Organization (WHO) 2012 report. And there is only needed 1% of the population to be a regular volunteer blood donor to save their people for the nation.

However, up to August 2013, the report from WHO again, there is about 0.34% of the volunteer blood donors while some victims and patients are starving for blood to survive. I was experienced about asking people to donate blood and then I was asked back that Why I need to donate? I should have cared my health.

Because of this reason, I called people selfish. But selfish in here is not about right or wrong, bad or good, just it is how it is. Maybe they are very individualist or isolated. I don’t know, I just wonder how they value the thing or they prioritize the stuff only when they need.

Have they ever imagine that when their beloved need blood to survive and they can’t help those ones. Will they ask for help? How do they think when there is no help?

I would suggest people to share each other such as knowledge, experience and even blood. If you are not in healthy, the experts (doctor) would not allow to do so. There is no worry on your health. And if you have no any intentions to donate. Fine! Just please do not discourage the others to participate for their society. Don’t just value only the needed, and ignore your help to contribute for other.  

4th time of Volunteer blood donation.
So, when is your turn?
I have donated my blood 4 times already. Among 4 time-donations, 2 times, I have sent to the children who have Thalassaemia (the disease that cause patients need blood every month to survive). Hence, I am willing to be one of the volunteer blood donor. 

Addition to the end that I have using my professionalism as a media person to volunteer write articles for the National Blood Transfusion Center (NBTC) for publishing. I share to the needed people, no matter they are Buddhist, Christian, black or white.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Just a glance

Phnom Penh: Do you believe in globalization? Do you think nowadays people are more socialize? Not that surprisingly while the year of 2013 didn't update the beautiful concept of my people. 
It is just a very short look, then judge.

In a developing country, people have limited education. Then, those citizen keep following their elder’s habit. They also call those habits are their norm and culture.
From day by day, they named those the civilization. And if someone or the younger proposes something new or start to do beside their everyday attitude, those people immediately judge the other abnormal, crazy or bad person.

Unbelievable, right? No! it is not that new here. Older people still not value the creative or initiative idea from the new people.

Any support from this quote, Banung? Let’s hear my experience. I was complained from my parents and many respective older people of wearing a tear-jean. They claimed to me that “You have no jean to wear? You would not being value when you wear this clothes. It seems like you are a gangster, bad and stuff.”

I was suddenly understood that old people is too old as their age. Time changes strength, beauty and lives but actually there is nothing gonna change their belief.
They judge me in only a second according to my dress. It is funny to me. Professional people do not have a holiday? Can’t I be myself? Does my dress hurt people?

And I use only response with smile that "the more you say, the more I do! I am satisfy with what I am doing. Lift is so short."

Well! it is really ok for giving comments on my dress. But it is not fun at all, and it is a very serious virus the future development while the Elders are not valuing the creative and initiative idea of the Youngers. Even it is indirect but these words are starting to close or limit the concept of young people. 

It harms and affects to the new productions. Time has changed people and the situation. The older may forget to glance back as well! 

Friday, August 16, 2013

LIFE Casino

Phnom Penh: How can you get lots of money in a very short time? You may be advised to play gambling.
Alright! So, the question is where to play? at Casino? Of course, as it’s always.

But then, in this text, hospital, a place where people who are ill or injured are treated and taken care of by doctors and nurses, was considered as a professional Casino, a life Casino, and very certain legal Casino.

Why I could say so? If you have never experienced, you may disagree or feel confuse and curious on what I am going to define.

Well! It is easy! No money, no honey. That is in the practical life. Hence, no money, no curing, no surviving. That is actually happen in my personal life.

An old man from a poor family having 4 kids and a wife called Sovanndy, aged 70, is my father. He gets sick immediately. Then, when we, my family send him to the hospital and we have figured out that he has Heart disease. The beautiful professional doctors there suggest him to do the surgery by paying thousand US dollars.

The question is Do you play with us? Bet your life by paying your money! What is the hospital different from Casino? Yes, it is different! If you play at Casino. You lost or win with only money but here you invest life by money.

There is no tear to cry if you do not have money. You would stand and see your beloved getting leave. Then, I was so much wondering how could they bargain the money before rescuing patients’ lives.

When you are able to change Dr. Professional? We pay you the money. At the same time, we just wish you could value people lives by imagine that those victims are your family members. Then, will you feel touch?